TODAY..lots of hard/twitchy light-time, limited prep time...wanting to shoot (at least for a little while)?.
This is a job for springers.
EVEN the most confirmed PCP-HEAD should keep at least one or two "simple" springers in the line-up.
Yep...I love my PCPs..."Dark side: pretty much "owns"me.....but there are times when they aren't the answer to the question.
1.It's cool/cold enough that whatever the results from co2 use would be suspect due to temperature/pressure.
2. It's windy enough that I'd not want to play with low BC pellets.....I'm not a perfect windage judge, and higher BC pellets help mitigate that error (at least at short range).
3, In the short shooting-light in winter (OK....we are a few days from official winter) the time spent getting the "extra-crap"ready to go is begrudged. ...the more time getting ready to shoot, the lest time actually shooting.
4.GET AWAY FROM THE BENCH....that's not where the real action is.
HELP or NOT...can't tell as I haven't enough good springer to make an evaluation).
1.Stabilized the stock screws by way of soaking the wood at the bottom of the stock screws with 'SuperGlue", adding a washer to the bottom of each stock screw,and tightening the mounting screws evenly tight.
Hasn't been shoot in a few MONTHS...but back then, when it was put away , w2as "on" with the .25 Benj. 27.8gr. pellets....pretty much still is.
10 shot group...went on to use up another 11-20 shots plinking at leaves, weed stems, and various targets of opportunity while sitting on that patio chair as my only rest.
Used a "Cherry Coke"12=pack empty out at 22 yards in the rain...just aimed at the "cherry">
Still just about "on",so it's pretty stableas to POA/POI.s...pretty much "low-power chucking" them thought the same dime-sized space without having to touch the scope.
Which cured my urge to shoot on such a nasty evening....but also brought up the idea of"why bother with PCP/HPA?"
YES...can poove a PCp can do 1/2 the c-t-c groups at the same distance/same patio chair hold.....but SO WHAT????
Hit the dime,,,and the plinking target flips/ rolls along the ground....a small game critter dies....a"sinner"splints....etc.
YES...more accuracy at 20-22 yards makes for a much better chance of accuracy at 60-75yards (or 90-110yards).........BUT.......
WHAT THE RAT'S ASS DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE when the target is 20-30 years away?-
OK...there aren't any "cookies" other than the "DARK SIDE"...even though it takes more work / practice / Dedication to shoot a's worth keeping-up with the springer-skill-set.
I have yet to see a puffer in flesh, and most likely never will. I too find myself just shooting at old boxes or empty beer cans. A simple life is what I seek, in a non-simple world. One thing I truly believe, springers will make a better shooter out of you. Every time I grab a PB, I can't believe how easy they are to shoot. Springers do require concentration and follow through. Plinking and springers is what I do, therefore I am,
Prairie Farmer
Over time, I have been resurrecting a (made in Spain)Crosman 3100 springer. Rebadged Cometa.
Buddy had given it to me a few years back. At that point I put a new Vortek main spring in,refreshed the leather piston seal,and refinished the stock. This has a globe front sight,only one insert.
Hard trigger,as it is direct trigger/sear. I traded it off at one point, only to miss it and get it back.I had read that you could trim a coil off the trigger spring and make a lighter trigger. NOT! Now it would not catch when you tried to cock it. Sent for another from Chambers. It became too light,back to not being able to cock it.
Neighbor has a small engine repair shop, had a bunch of odd springs over the years. So I found a decent replacement.
It is now wearing a CP AR22 3-9x32 scope (bought second hand) and a Crosman Fire muzzle brake.
And I'm enjoying the heck out of it!
TODAY..lots of hard/twitchy light-time, limited prep time...wanting to shoot (at least for a little while)?.
This is a job for springers...
...Hasn't been shoot in a few MONTHS...but back then, when it was put away , w2as "on" with the .25 Benj. 27.8gr. pellets....pretty much still is....
Anyone who reads my posts knows that you don't have to sell me on springers. That's a nice target and a gorgeous-looking rifle. From the URL that showed-up when I hit the "Quote" button, it appears that the rifle in the photo is a BSA Lightning.
I'm still wondering what kind of velocity/FPE were you getting with those Benjamin.25 caliber 28 gr. pellets.
Does that rifle have a metal coil mainspring or a gas spring? I'm not sure if BSA made any of their rifles with the latter power plant or not. And, was any kind of tuning done to it?
Gas ram...not that it seems to really matter, the spring powered version is just about the same low sped/energy. About 14.3 foot pounds (those Benjmain pellets don't quite break 500fps). What can I prefers heavier pellets. Mounted a simple 4X scope and have been using it as a back yard pest rifle for the last couple of years at the 20-25 yard range most common in the back yard. Only mods was to disassemble the shroud/LDC to add new baffles and a trigger job.