.25 pcp beginner ki...
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.25 pcp beginner kit

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What’s the best .25 pcp starter kit . A friend of mine is wanting to begin the adventure. I suggested a Marauder scope/pump package. What’s yalls opinion? 

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Hatsan Flashpup.

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If this is his fist dip in the PCP pool, he'll be impressed with how easy it is to shoot well. Also will be impressed with the "normal" power PCP's .25 that make somthing like 40ish foot pounds out the box. It won't have to be fancy or mega-powered.

Have a FlashPup....would advise a Flash (no pup). Price is right, kind of an ugly critter, easier to fill the smaller volume with a pump, but fewer good shots becasue of the volume.

Been some good posts about the Seneca Sentry (Flying Dragons Airguns), which is certainly ugly, but I haven't owned one...did shoot one for a day, but not owned.

M-Rod has a lot of fansand a ton of posts/information/videos to sort though. Big rifle,but many onwers absolutly love them. I wasn't one of them,but really have nothing negativce to say about them...just didn't suit my needs.

Another in the big catagory would be the Gauntlet. Regulated for a good amount of shots per fill which would be a plus....not my favorite to fill with a pump.Not only the volume of anM-Rod, but usually needing more work to fill as you run to lower pressure.

HAtsan AT44's have gotten a good bit more pricy than they were. Been a good rifle for me,and if a search turns one up at a good price, would be in the running.

That's NOT all of the "reasonly" priced .25's,just all I've had in my hands.

Georgia U.S.
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Agree with the Flash as a first choice. I have owned the synthetic and wood stock version. Both were very accurate out of the box, great price, well balanced, light weight, easy to fill with a hand pump,  no maintenance to speak of, and both hit like a hammer. Mine were .22 cal. ? 

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Kind of personal preference on size. I have the Flash and Flashpup. I lean towards the shorter guns. Let your friend know there are options in overall lengths. 

If money is less of a consideration the FX Wildcat series are awful nice guns. Been around long enough that the second hand market usually has some available. 

I would never be one to say "I told you so" but, ? 

Georgia U.S.
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You told me so! Since having the Flash, and enjoying both guns for their accuracy & simplicity, now you have me interested in getting the pup. I have never owned a pup type, but your endorsement goes a long way with me. Notice also that both of us chose and are high on the Aspen. Hard to beat at price and performance to get into the pcp game. Thanks for all you do. ? 

pluric reacted
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Think it's the first PCP (or else, why need to buy a pump?)...and he (or you...or both) are mostly zeroed in on the M-Rod. Which really isn't a bad .25 to start with.

Buy the M-Rod or the Flash....M-Rod has the most information/better pasrts supply.

Also a little iffy about .25 as a first airgun.... .25 works out great if you order pellets. Not so great if you are hoping for a local supply if good pellets in most areas.

A side order of short: (not directly related to the orginal topic):

Unless you've got a real need for a short gun, I'd go adult sized for the first PCP.

THe one thing bullpups can do (over the same basic system in two different styled stocks..which is the Flash/Flashpups)is being short.

Short is a plus for close quarters,like actually hunting out in the boondocks rather than sitting at a rest and shooting whatever wanders by. That one thing A Flashpup could do better than a Flash is worth it, if that is something you do a lot.

That vid makes a pretty good point. Considering the Kral and the Fashpup, can go short without the bullpup. Kral is about the same length (little shorter with the stock retraced/little longer with it extended), about the same weight, but but would be much easier to cycle without as much shifting around. A little more air volume for the Kral.

Negative would be a bit less power (out the box/untuned) from the Kral 16" barrel....but much more power (and in .25) than from the "pistol carbines" like the P-Rod.


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Posted by: @caninesinaction

You told me so! Since having the Flash, and enjoying both guns for their accuracy & simplicity, now you have me interested in getting the pup. I have never owned a pup type, but your endorsement goes a long way with me. Notice also that both of us chose and are high on the Aspen. Hard to beat at price and performance to get into the pcp game. Thanks for all you do. ? 

I was so impressed with my .25 Flashpup that I made it my "Thermo gun". Mounted a $2,000 thermo scope on a $300 (used) gun. My brother-in-law listened and bought one too. Loves it.

Admittedly, I came to prefer Bullpups  from UTV use. The roll cage is just not rifle length friendly. Once out or it and walking around it just works for me. I just find, for me, it's just more user friendly and I can off hand shoot better.

The OP didn't mention what the use would be for his friend. I'm assuming, because of the caliber preference, some pest control/varmint, is very possible. Usually field work. Hard not to include personal bias and use in opinion threads. So take everything with a huge grain of salt. ? ? 


Hatsan a

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I love my Umarex Gauntlet in .25. Very good to 75 yards and I am just an average shot...I think. 


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