Kelly at Kraz Cool Air guns has both his price is a little higher but his customer service makes up for that as he can repair anything wrong with he's the Huben repair guy for a he USA. He repaired my Huben back in 2015 when I first bought it from Mrodair, great guy has a great rep with fellows who have bought from him.
Great group. In fact and though I don't usually award mulligans, I would discount that bottom-most pellet hole as an anomaly (possibly related to rate-of-fire).
Do you know what diameter the red bullseye is?
The red bulls eye has a 1" diameter on that target .
Kelly at Kraz Cool Air guns has both his price is a little higher but his customer service makes up for that as he can repair anything wrong with he's the Huben repair guy for a he USA. He repaired my Huben back in 2015 when I first bought it from Mrodair, great guy has a great rep with fellows who have bought from him.
Thanks for the tip I'll look into him.