Skunk control- scop...
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Skunk control- scope sight illumination

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Skunks have caused severe lawn damage due to a grub infestation. Tru-Green has proved inadequate, 2nd year, to control & assist with repairs. Going forward I will terminate them & handle myself. Trapping skunks hasn't worked well with my metal Havahart, I know there are better ones but then I have a skunk in a trap.

Last year I took out two with my Marauder. One shot one kill forty yds, no spray. Think I was lucky on the no spray but still want to heep them distant from the house. Sight illumination is a problem. To date my house spots barely illuminate. Considering the predator flashlights that mount to scope, some have interchangeable red, green white lens. Although my house lot is decent size I do have neighbors and shoot from window on second floor so stealth is important. I imagine a red or green cone of light will be visible from a window. However a short burst of light from a ground approach may work out well for target ID verification and illumination.

Whew...., a long intro to ask about predator lights. Looking at Vastfire and Nitecore for brands. Thanks in advance, I used to post frequently on the Yellow but never made it here. Hope to change that now that this site has livened up.






North Carolina
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Hope  you have a wildlife permit, if needed in your state.Have you ever thought of integrated pest control??? So the skunks are grubbing in your yard.What then does integrated pest control have to do with it ,if a pay for proffit company cant?Welcome to capitalism my friend.Let me school you a bit.Lawn companies, pest control companies etc do not want to rid you of the problem...You are a cash cow.So  try using milky spore on your yard.Kills grubs but no bykill.Easy to use ,apply 4 times for 1 year,product regenerates itself on the deceased grubs.Can be purchased on line without a pesticide liscence.Skunks are teaching thier young to hunt for food(grubs no less).They are actualy helping you do what you payed a boat load for and didnt get solved.Skunks also eat a bunch of other pests such as rats mice,snakes and harmfull insects.

What size trap do you have?What is it intended for?If trap to small,you get refussal,to big  no catch.What bait are you using??Once trapped use a cover to put over trap so you dont get sprayed.Not fun...Trapping skunks is a hard learning curve.You can also contact your division of wildlife recourses division or what ever they are caled in your state for help,they can advise on persons to remove skunks for you.They(trappers do not trap for fur,but for a fee)will want to be compensated for their services.

Not trying to piss on your parade, but the skunks are helping you get rid of your original problem.If you trap,chance of them spraying.You shoot them and you got lucky this time,they will release their body fluids.

If you have to shoot them ,get a permit and look at Wicked Lights.Exelent night light option without spending a fortune.Its what I use for night wildlife damage contnol.I do it for a living...

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Posted by: @vincenator

Hope  you have a wildlife permit, if needed in your state.Have you ever thought of integrated pest control??? So the skunks are grubbing in your yard.What then does integrated pest control have to do with it ,if a pay for proffit company cant?Welcome to capitalism my friend.Let me school you a bit.Lawn companies, pest control companies etc do not want to rid you of the problem...You are a cash cow.So  try using milky spore on your yard.Kills grubs but no bykill.Easy to use ,apply 4 times for 1 year,product regenerates itself on the deceased grubs.Can be purchased on line without a pesticide liscence.Skunks are teaching thier young to hunt for food(grubs no less).They are actualy helping you do what you payed a boat load for and didnt get solved.Skunks also eat a bunch of other pests such as rats mice,snakes and harmfull insects.




Agree with a lot of what you said and considering milky spores going forward. This is an immediate problem and lawn repair expense is significant. I did not intend for this to happen and this was the reason I hired a lawn company in the first place. Too late now, damage every night like a roto tiller. Pest control is allowed on your property here, relocation of skunk  is not. In the past I had minimal damage from skunks and I agree they serve a purpose, however, too much damage now. Have already taken action to kill the grubs.


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