They are out. Not in the numbers I'm used to seeing but enough of them. The last time out some were just too close for the rifle so I brought a Diana Bandit pistol with me too.
I'd just got my original Gen 1 Impact back from having the Power Plenum upgrade installed. It's set up as a .22. Four 28 shot magazines, 112 shots and it was still on the reg!
I'd made a air tank mount for the UTV. With these Power Plenums, who needs air? ? ?
The hose clamps hold it to the roll cage. With a little bending they have enough tension to hold the fill fitting from flopping around.
Now that's what I'm talkin' about!
I and a couple of shooting buddies are finalizing plans to go back to Colorado and do some PD shooting in early June. We went for 10 days last year and had a blast. PD's didn't care too much for it though.....
Now that's what I'm talkin' about!
I and a couple of shooting buddies are finalizing plans to go back to Colorado and do some PD shooting in early June. We went for 10 days last year and had a blast. PD's didn't care too much for it though.....
I got just over 20 of them this morning. I felt the volume was down from last year. I was talking to a local guy and he said the same thing. Rabbits are down as well. No reason he knew of.
It's at the Utah/Idaho border area. I have a vacation home at Bear Lake. Almost all my outdoor shooting is in that area. I spent most of Saturday shooting again and got just over 30 of them. That may sound like a fair amount, but I'm used to more. Just seems like a light year for the area. I put the Impact away and was using a pistol for a lot of it. Most were close range and it felt like more of a challenge.
"just over 30 of them", you're killing me.
By the way, do you leave them out for the hawks? Its cool to pass by later and see a hawk tearing one apart.
Maybe I shouldn't be complaining about the numbers then. ? ? I'm just used to a larger population of them. Had the Impact .25 out today as well as the Diana Bandit. I'll leave it at it was a good day for guns, Pot Guts, not so much.
It's prime time right now for them to be out. I came up to my shooting area during the week not to miss the action. ? This time I brought a Huben semi-auto. I'd forgotten how fun they are to shoot! I was using 33 gr .22 pellets and they just put the hurt on the Pot Guts. Plus if I had a bad shot the mercy follow up shot was instant. I went through two tins of 150 count pellets. I'm going to put a conservative head count of around 60+. Farm country so there were a fair amount of starlings to share the fun with. Even got a rock chuck.
Huben was flawless, not one cycling jam.