I know this should be in the hunting section but I think it would be seen by more here.I`ve been trying to get a coyote for at least 5yrs,and am very proud to say my dream finally came true recently.this particular day I asked off from work because work was slow and I just felt I needed a Friday off.I went into the woods around noon and climbed up in my tree stand like I did a million other times,but this time was different.I got myself comfortable and in about three minutes I look down a well worn path shared by deer and various other animals and here comes a large coyote at a casual pace looking straight ahead,i waited till he came to an opening about 15yds away from me and I gave out a bleet sort of the kind I do during deer hunting,and the coyote stopped in his tracks.I squeezed off a shot with my AZ Rapid .22cal 30ft/lb carbine and it hit right on the top of the head between the eyes and he just dropped right there .I hurried and worked the bolt to put another 18gr jsb in the breech and just put the crosshairs on his head just in case he tried to get up,but he died almost instantly.The pellet entered the skull and hit the right side cracking it and swirled around the back of the skull and exited the left side.I boiled the skull and am going to get the hide tanned,what a magnificent trophy,I believe it is the ultimate animal to get with a 30ft/lb airgun.I always admired and envied others who shot one with their airgun or bow.You just have to be in the right spot at the right time and all the stars have to be in-line.Thanks for letting me share my experience.
Congratulations Mark, Enjoyed your experience and there will be many less venison meals by that predator. Wish you would have posted a pic.
good shooting on the coyote,i have gotten four this hunting season.i never set out to get one as I was squirrel hunting at the time I got them...
...Meanwhile a neighbor starts posting Reward posters for her lost Malamute.. ? ? ?
J/K there. Congrats on the kill. Sounds like you need a larger rifle to up your game (no pun intended)
what gun /caliber/power is urs?Airgun Hunter
Nice shooting, this is worthy of congratulations. They are everywhere around here but hard to get due to property and road constraints. Pics?
I have always told my girls when they are bowhunting if you have a deer,turkey and yote in front of you, the yote IS the trophy!!
...Meanwhile a neighbor starts posting Reward posters for her lost Malamute.. ? ? ?
If only we could get a hybrid yote/chihuahua panic started...
A few years ago we were having some trouble with a masked raiding party of 3 in the neighborhood, overturning trash cans and spreading the contents around. Now this mostly occurred at 0:00 dark 0:30 at random. This being in burbs using anything that fell with in the realm of ATF was strictly prohibited. That left the air units but also meant getting fairly close and being sneaky about it. A couple game cams identified said culprits and also gave an apx time frame. Their approach was down a line of over grown Lilac bushes and the one would climb a tree directly opposite the trash cans as a look out, the other two would then make the raid. First attempt was a bust as the screen door squeaked as I opened it - so I then left it open for quite a spell. That worked and 3, 177-10 gr wad cutters found their mark on the look out in the tree a few evenings later ( anshutz 2025) about 20 yds out . The sound of the unit was being deflected into the ravine behind the house and amplifing (it to me) but it served to confuse my exact location. The other 2 scrambled for the tree where one more met its demise. Again needed three shots to complete the task. Full moon and a 36 power scope I could just make out the basic shape so shot placement was a bit inaccurate. After those 6 shots the Neighbors backyard light came on ( around 75 yard away) and I quickly slipped back into the porch area. That Annie is not all that quiet about the same as a 22lr sound wise from my perspective behind the butt plate.
if you needed three shots that should tell you that a larger caliber is needed to humanely kill those bandits.177 are not killing bandits humanely at all.people will run off at the mouth about just how powerful 177s are but three shots to kill one is sad to say the least.step up and use the caliber that will quickly and humanely dispatch those bandits.shooting without clear identification of the target is also pretty sad.
these four bandits were dispatch with 25 cal PCP air rifle,all one shot kills to the head.