Invasive species that propagate like rabbits. You in Florida? Kill all you can. The local paper had some interesting recipes....
Yes actually I do want a cookie. The gov. Pays for their removal with shooting being the most humane method of removal. THEY ARE INVASIVE and out of control, pushing the native species to near extinction.
This was a gov. Sanctioned hunt......
Also this is in the hunting section
Hey Bracmon, I’m in South Florida and this invasive species is all over the place. Along darn near every canal, retention ponds, in parks and residential pools. Iguanas are know to carry Samonella. Authorities have deemed it humane to take them with an air rifle. I would think 25 cal or nothing less than 22 cal is just fine. Can’t really tell but look like you have an HW100 there. Great shooting, I’ve taken a few myself. After your next 194 taken the cookies are on me.
Yes it was a HW100. We had both 12fpe and 30for in .22. I started with the 30fps but ended up using the 12fpe. Brain shots only both guns performed well. This was the first time using a red dot on an air rifle. Real eye opener, it was the best tool for the job.
I liked the 12,fpe since all shots were 35ft or less and I didn't have to top up as much.
Can I have chocolate chip
I came across the same information a few years ago about using a red dot but never tried it. I guess I didn’t want to buy more equipment. 12 fpe is plenty I have been told but my only 12 fpe rifle is .177. Still want to be humane so for me it’s been 22 cal or 25 cal. They can grow pretty big here. At a range of 35 ft 12fpe is a pretty good thump to the brain.
Hey Bracmon, glad you’re not one of those peppermint, cinnamon spiced sandwich cream guys with sprinkles. Chocolate chip it is.
I help out the farmers around me rat, groundhogs and pigeon removal. Never considered using a red dot for my barn gun but now I'm building a short light pcp outfitted with a red dot, it really is the best for short shooting. The Bushnell Hunter can be had for $24 and is more then adequate.
PS, I don't do Starbucks either 😉
Don't discount a good pump-up. Specially in 0.22"or 0.25"
If you only have an 0.177" cal rifle, you are still not out. Use expanding pellets like the CrowMag, the Predator, or the Barracuda Hunter Extreme at velocities above 750 fps and you will have good results with well placed shots.Keep
Keep well and shoot straight!
They taste about the same as Gator or frog legs. Like a chicken texture and some flavor of fish. The islanders even bbq them in pieces. I'd use my .25cals- Benjamin Trail NPXL725 & Remington 725VTR. Heck, even my .177cal GuideHawk should do with 10.34gr to 10.5gr pellets at some 900-950FPS. I imagine the .25's with JSB King .25's would do fine? I've got H&N hornets @ 24.38gr too.
Way to go!
I've read how much trouble those critters have caused.
I've used a Prod carbine with a red dot (the WoodsWalker package with the included red dot multi-tac sight) for years as a rat and possum smasher. It's the pesting rig I always wanted in my youth. 22 caliber, 8 shot clip, nice trigger, shrouded, PCP, accurate for search and destroy missions nailing rats out of the trees and off the bird feeders at the distances I encounter them at.
I added an RAI adjustable stock, TKO, an inexpensive red varmint hunting light with remote pressure switch from Amazon, and it makes a great pesting rig. Shoots 14.3 gr premiers at 664 fps with a 2400 psi fill which equals 14 foot pounds. Easy to fill with a foot pump, or from my tanks when my tanks are too low to fill most of my other airguns. Easy to adjust the power lower or a bit higher to suit your needs. We actually have 3 Prods set up this way.
Sounds like you already have enough cookies headed your way, so I'll bring a gallon of super cold milk & mugs for dunking them cookies!
Iguana removal in Fla:
This is the kind of shit that get animal rights groups worked up. Do you want a cookie for your effort.
I had no idea we had PETA members here.
That'd be one hell of a barbeque...
(I wonder how much charcoal I would need?)
Don't discount a good pump-up. Specially in 0.22"or 0.25"
If you only have an 0.177" cal rifle, you are still not out. Use expanding pellets like the CrowMag, the Predator, or the Barracuda Hunter Extreme at velocities above 750 fps and you will have good results with well placed shots.Keep
Keep well and shoot straight!
There is no way I'm gonna be able to shoot 200 a day using a pump up. I'd look like popeye
Feel like a PR trip? Chek this out: They may be closed due to the 'cane that whacked PR but it sure looks like a blast.
I've read that gators are rapidly becoming a threat, too.
no way would I hunt them with less than a 357 PCP, though...
looks like fun to hunt the iguana... ? ?
Fla. gator regs:
Holy smokes, that's a lot of iguanas ,growing up down south I used to hunt them with a slingshot,they are native to the region were I grew up ,they do taste like chicken... Funny thing, they are a protected species now.. A guy my dad knows spent 7 days in jail for killing 2 of them.. ?