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AGW Forum Informal online 10 meter shooting fun.

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Just trying to put together an online honor system shooting comparison/contest.  I tried this before and it was quite fun. Any .177 gun is welcome. Pistols included. Set up your personal 10 meter, 11 yards, range and use the targets provided in the link. Please score your paper and post. Photos of your targets would be welcome but if you don't have the ability to post photos then at least let us know your total score.

Input is also welcome so if you have a suggestion, let's hear it. On the rifle let's start out with 60 shots 10 target pages. Pistol 25 shots one page. 

10 meter rifle target pdf.


Open sites on the pistols and open or diopter on the rifle. No scopes or Red Dots please.

What do you say, maybe post our efforts every Sunday evening? Again, just for fun, honor system and let's see where it goes.



scratchit and Adijorio reacted
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Sounds like fun.  Just for completeness I assume all shooting is off-hand. Any power restrictions (12FPE or less)?

scratchit reacted
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Posted by: @adijorio

Sounds like fun.  Just for completeness I assume all shooting is off-hand. Any power restrictions (12FPE or less)?

Yes, off hand. No support or leaning against anything. I would think guns above 12fpe would be harder to shoot, but I'd say shoot what you are comfortable with in a .177.


scratchit reacted
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As far as scoring I don't see any reason to get into fractional guesses. Let's keep it at it's a 10,9,8 or whatever. Here is a guideline.

10 m score outside


10 meter score inside


scratchit reacted
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Well, so much for waiting to Sunday to post. ?  I had time this morning to try the pistol target. If I wear my reading glasses I can see the sights. If I don't I can see the target. So far I'm using the readers. I used a Air Arms Alfa to shoot with. 8.2 gr RWS match pellet. 

You can sure tell who is getting tired as I shoot. I started on the left and you can just see the numbers drop. By the second page I'm hitting the wrong target and dropped 20 points. ?  Glad there isn't money on this...yet. ? ? 

10 meter pistol b


10 meter pistol a

As you can see so far the competition will be far from out of anyone's league. ?  

I'd say post em as you shoot em.

Just as a suggestion, for me I lose count of shots. If you put the five pellets out first you'll know where you are. No way I can see how many shots I've taken at a target until I walk up to it.



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Did 6 pages of rifle targets tonight. Felt like homework scoring them. ? 

10 meter score

I'll just post my highest page. Good news is there's plenty of room for improvement! ?  My total was 367. 

10 meter score a

Okay, someone else take a turn. The bar has been set low. ? 

scratchit reacted
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I was shooting my Aeron 10 meter pistol at an event just for fun and thought I was doing better with it over the Air Arms Alfa. So I thought I'd try it on paper.

It shot a 204 compared to my 181 high on the Air Arms. I do like the cocking and trigger better on the Aeron.

10 meter pistol score a

scratchit reacted

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Anyone else playing???

Did the 60 shot rifle tonight. Scores went up a bit. I got two 73 pages and a total of 420.

10 meter 73

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One more try with the Aeron Spider pistol. 209, a few points better.

10 meter 311

scratchit reacted
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Just out of curiosity I thought I would try  a Crosman 1701 Silhouette pistol too. It does have a Red Dot sight. Man does that show movement. It actually did better than I thought it would for not having used it before. I think with some practice it could do well. My mulch box needed a replacement cardboard backing. The target paper was tearing badly.


10 meter 311a


10 meter 311 b


scratchit reacted
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Oh come on, someone out there join in. Just to prove you don't need a match grade gun I used a $29 Beeman P17 today. It does have a Red Dot on it but I found it almost distracting on how much it feels like it moves around. I was using JSB Diablo pellets so the holes are not as distinct as the match pellets.

I did mess with the trigger as well.

While the trigger is impressive for the price break of gun I think I may have overstated it a bit on the above thread. Maybe it's because all I've shooting the last little while have REALLY nice triggers. ?

10 meter p17




scratchit reacted
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I was going to stop posting in this thread seeing I'm the lone participant, but I had to post this. My personal best with a pistol. Slow night before the news so I thought I'd go shoot a page. Glad I did. ? 

10 meter best

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Got back from Germany, literally, in the last plane to leave Europe before the closure.

And with kids staying home all day, overworked by night, and the Monday night shoot cancelled, there has been no time to shoot.


Perhaps it would be better to leave it for more "normal" times.

Stay well!







pluric reacted
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Wish these P17s fit my hand, the palm swell makes it a struggle to get anywhere near the target without substantial wrist tweaking.

I did purchase some Weaver->Picatinny adapters for the purpose of mounting a red dot, but the Chinese machinist didn't find it necessary to slit them lengthwise... ok... so how do I get it on the rail? Duh? Duh!

I won't have any shooting time till nationwide lockdown happens next week...


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Great White!!  I bought a level one time only cut on one side !!  Can only be used on a straight tube scope I guess?  I got what I payed for!!  Chinese JUNK as usual !!

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Posted by: @hector-j-medina-g


Got back from Germany, literally, in the last plane to leave Europe before the closure.

And with kids staying home all day, overworked by night, and the Monday night shoot cancelled, there has been no time to shoot.


Perhaps it would be better to leave it for more "normal" times.

Stay well!







No biggy. You're lucky to get home! My daughter just jumped flights going to Costa Rica this morning after they told her she couldn't return until April 15. My son is trying to get home from California and Salt Lake had an earthquake this morning that closed our airport. Crazy world out there!

It was always meant to be a laid back shooting thread so jump in when ever you can.


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Posted by: @gratewhitehuntr

Wish these P17s fit my hand, the palm swell makes it a struggle to get anywhere near the target without substantial wrist tweaking.

I did purchase some Weaver->Picatinny adapters for the purpose of mounting a red dot, but the Chinese machinist didn't find it necessary to slit them lengthwise... ok... so how do I get it on the rail? Duh? Duh!

I won't have any shooting time till nationwide lockdown happens next week...


PM me an address and I'll send you a Red Dot that will fit.

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I'm back, solo shooter here. ? ? 

I picked up a Anschutz 8002 10 meter gun and was trying it out tonight.

anschutz 8002 s2 black wood 12

 It has adjustable diopters. Way cool, you just twist a ring and they increase/decrease in diameter. I had shot a few pages with average results. So I adjusted them a little smaller and wow! Best page I've shot!



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