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March 3, 2020 17:39:56
Match - 60 shots - 3 x 20 (chickens 20 yards, pigs 30 yards, turkeys 36 yards & rams 45 yards)
Classes - Open, Target, Sporter
10 AM registration/practice 11 AM match start
Entry fee: $10 Adults, $5 Juniors or CAG members
Must sign a waiver/release of liability form. Eye protection is required.
Loaner air rifle available (Crosman Custom Shop Marauder - Mueller 8-32x44 scope
Highly recommend bringing your own folding chair.
4500 psi 75 cu. ft. air tank will be available for PCP shooters.
Location: Private property - 1001 Trumbull Hwy, Lebanon, CT 06249
Contact: Leo Gonzales