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2019 Texas Airgun Show and FT Match June 22&23

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Good evening everyone,
The 2019 Texas Airgun Show will happen on the same weekend as last year (4th weekend so Saturday June 22 for the Airgun Show and Sunday June 23 for the FT Match) and the events and timing for the show will also remain stable.  We will still have vendors in the main building with the same arrangement and also under the large circus tent outside, so that we are not space-constrained. Our local Straight Shooters 4H group will provide concessions once again.  Vendor table prices will remain the same at $30 each, but if you will make a significant donation for the raffle or door giveaways, then we will provide you up to 2 tables for free.  Once again, we will have the ranges open for you to demo the rifles, with paper and reactive targets available to shoot at.  
Registration is now open at .  You can find the link to registration in the brochure or at the bottom right hand corner of the website.   Please submit any correspondence through this email address: 
See you in June,
Jeff Cloud
Texas Airgun Show Director
Arlington Sportsman Club

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Howdy, for those of you thinking about coming to the show and renting a table to sell some of your stuff (we all have lots we can sell), I've rented out approximately half of the inside tables already, so go ahead and reserve yours today.

For those just coming to experience what is the Texas Airgun Show, as we have for the last few years, we'll have lots to see, touch, buy, and shoot on Saturday.  Demos by airgun vendors and manufacturers will happen again, including the possibility for a fun shoot after the show is over on Saturday.  We'll once again have the Field Target match on Sunday morning.

Come on out if you have a chance, you won't be disappointed.

Jeff Cloud

Texas Airgun Show Director

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The show is about 2 months from now, and I still have tables available if you want to reserve one for selling off some of your herd of airguns.

For those just coming to experience what is the Texas Airgun Show, as we have for the last few years, we'll have lots to see, touch, buy, and shoot on Saturday.  Demos by airgun vendors and manufacturers will happen again, including the possibility for a fun shoot after the show is over on Saturday.  We're going to have Field Target demos on Saturday as well, and new for this year will be an air rifle/air pistol silhouette demo and match.  Come on out and watch or bring an air rifle/pistol and try it out.  We'll once again have the Field Target match on Sunday morning.

Registration for vendor tables and the Field Target match is now open at <.  You can find the link to registration in the brochure or at the bottom right hand corner of the website.   Please submit any correspondence through this email address: 

Come on out if you have a chance, you won't be disappointed.

Jeff Cloud

Texas Airgun Show Director

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Here are our sponsors.

AirForceLogo 2
Sun Optics USA2
sig sauer logo2
hatsan logo2
airgun depot2

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Hope to be there this year , Last year I woke up sick on that day!

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Good evening everyone,

The 2019 Texas Airgun Show is coming up in just 2 short weeks.  We've got everything arranged with some great raffle and door prizes from well known airgun companies and accessory developers.  Remember that the show is Saturday June 22, from 9am-4pm and it costs just $5 to enter.  We are also going to have a 60-shot Field Target match per AAFTA rules on Sunday June 23 and it costs just $10 to enter.  The gates open Sunday at 8am, and the match starts at 10am.  Here is the show website with all of the info you need.

We've got all the tables inside sold, but we've decided to offer FREE TABLES under the big tent outside for those of you who only have a couple of airguns you'd like to sell or trade at the show.  You are the guys who normally walk the show holding onto airguns you want to sell and trade. You can now put those guns on these tables and sell or trade them for free. There will be lots of table sharing going on, and you need to bring everything you need, because these tables are bare. Tom Gaylord was telling me that this has never been done at an airgun show before and we hope it will help those of you carrying your guns around to lighten your load.  I also hope it might entice more of you to come and sell whatever airgun related items that you no longer need.

Come on out if you have a chance, you won't be disappointed.

Jeff Cloud

Texas Airgun Show Director

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"Word on the street" is Ron Robinson might be there offering his new book, Custom, Classic & Otherwise AWESOME AIR PISTOLS! at a Texas Airgun Show special price.

Here are some sample excerpts from Custom, Classic and Otherwise Awesome Air Pistols! 

From the chapter titled, It Started A Long, LONG Time Ago -

“Hurriedly zippering the Urgent Business At Hand, I eased my scoped Crosman 150 out of its holster and drew down on the boar now cussing the interloper in his territory.”

From Air Pistol Sights, Insights and Incites -

“With handgunning being such a challenging pursuit, finding the best sighting system for the specific purpose can return huge dividends in accuracy and results.”

Excerpt from Vintage American Classics -

“I feel it humanly impossible to master a recoiling spring-piston pistol to any high degree of accuracy. Not only have I never managed it, but I’ve never seen or heard of it… ”

From the chapter titled Euro-Classics -

“Breaking 500 FPS with medium weight pellets, my .22 Tau 7 can not only kick most target pistols’ asses, but also take small-game and varmints to the size of jackrabbits!”

From Life Beyond Ten Meters -

“Though ten-meter pistols are designed and produced of absolutely single-minded purpose, leave it to the Manic Compressive to convolute such high-minded equipment to my own perverse purposes.”

Excerpt from Precharged Pneumatic Pistol POWER -

“Of few things more fascinating than mechanical things (and, arguably, females) are powerful mechanical things! Which brings us to precharged pneumatic air pistols.”

Excerpt from the chapter A Magnum PCP Revolver -

“… the beautiful beast producing 20 foot-pounds and six-shot groups averaging 2 to 2.5 MOA to 50 yards, think I’ve finally found my dream hunting air pistol!”

Taken from Air Pistol Conversions -

“Fact is, pistol field target competition would not exist was it not for my home-made Crosman 180 custom pistol conversion.”

Excerpt from Rimfire Versus Air Pistol Accuracy -

Few shooters would consider 50 yard rimfire pistol testing less than extreme. Much fewer yet would consider 50 yard air pistol testing anything less than insane!“



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Howdy folks!

Jeff has been gracious enough to designate some space to set up a full Air Rifle Silhouette demo range for the show!

A small group of Silhouette shooters from Bayou Rifles here in Houston will be hosting the demo range with demonstrations, explanations, and hopefully some participation by anyone and everyone that wants to try their hand at the great sport of Air Rifle Silhouette. We will be on one of the 50-yard ranges with resettable targets so people can learn about how Silhouette is done as well as hear about some of the regional matches that are held around Texas and Louisiana throughout the year.

Please come by to say hi and to try out Silhouette. We look forward to meeting you there!

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The Texas Airgun Show at Arlington Sportsman Club was great. Jeff Cloud and the Team from Arlington Sportsman Club were busy the whole day making sure that things ran smoothly. They had people at the gate, people controlling parking, people to tie guns, etc.  It is always quiet impressive so see the support Jeff gets. 

There were 4 rows of tables inside and AirForce was set up outside in the heat. There were guns to sample on the gun ranges by several vendors. Vendors graciously supplied guns and accessories for raffles to support the event. 

At this show instead of putting a bunch of airguns on my table I asked Jeff if I could try to sell some of my Dad's old reloading equipment for my Mom.  Jeff said that was ok and I did well with it.  I sold about half of it, and what I sold is most of the bulky stuff.  The dies I have left will be easy to sell on ebay and easy to ship.  I only brought one airgun to sell, a P12 bullpup.  But, I forgot the fill probe and blew the opportunity to sell it.

I bought two low powered scopes and a neat steel resettable target with paddles held in place with magnets.  I saw several bargains and guns that I would have bought except for the realization that with my bad shoulders I need to not be shooting any springers except for easy to cock ones.  I would have liked to have bought a Beeman C1, a Diana 54, and also a Nova Freedom, which isn't a springer but still takes shoulder work.

Thanks to all the workers who put the show on, all the Vendors that supplied prizes for raffles, all the guys that set up tables, and all the others that attended.

It was a lot of fun.  I hope to see you next year.

David Enoch


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Howdy ya’ll,

The Arlington Sportsman Club (ASC) in Mansfield Texas hosted the 2nd Annual Texas Airgun Show Field Target match this past Sunday, June 23. There were 26 competitors in all who came from 7 nearby and far-away states (AR, OK, KS, LA, NC, TN, and Texas). Over 1/2 of the competitors attended the match because they came to the Texas Airgun Show the day before, but we also had 12 regular shooters participate.

Field Target at ASC is shot on our 3D archery course setup on 15 lanes among the Mesquite and Live Oak trees on the property. Almost all of the lanes are sheltered in the trees, but the wind can blow unpredictably through them, and a few lanes cross an open area where the winds can swirl, while others are quite dark. Being that we are in North Texas, the lanes are flat, so we make up for that shortcoming with a few targets in trees and also by shooting down from our elevated 12-foot archery tower. I believe the tower is one of the most popular lanes based on the number of comments I receive every time we use it. Hee Hee.

Terry Vanpool and I set up the course Friday afternoon before the airgun show. The course of fire would be a 60-shot rifle match with 2 targets per lane. We finished setting up about 3:00pm and headed home.

Sunday morning was cool but humid and windy, mostly cloudy with temps in the low-80’s that climbed to the mid-90’s by the afternoon, and winds that varied from 10-20mph.  Everyone had time to get their rifles sighted in on our cozy sight-in range before the match started. With so many folks who had never shot at ASC before, we had a very thorough safety, rules and etiquette meeting.  I was watching the weather for rain and storms that were supposed to start in the mid-afternoon, so we decided to get started early at 9:00am. There were 15 Hunter PCP, 5 Hunter Piston, 2 WFTF PCP, 3 Open PCP, and 1 Open Piston shooters. Terry and I didn’t shoot again this year, because as good hosts we wanted to ensure that everything ran smoothly and all the competitors drank plenty of water. The Troyer rating for this course after adjustment for wind was 27.6T with an SD of 4.67.

We did have one target malfunction that I pulled off the course, but that was our only cold line for the day.  Everyone mentioned that they enjoyed shooting our course, even with the winds today. Jason’s Deli catered lunch after the match while we enjoyed a nice respite in the shade to refuel and rehydrate before heading out to take down the course.

After lunch and after dismantling the course, I announced the top positions in each of the classes (see below). After many congratulations from all of the participants, they slowly drifted off and got on the road for their homes near and far.


The finishing positions of the match are as follows:

You can all of the photos from the Airgun Show and FT match here: ( )

Thanks for coming to ASC, thanks to the volunteers who helped with the match, and congratulations to everyone who participated in this match and survived the Texas heat.

Jeff Cloud

ASC FT Match Director

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2019 Texas Airgun Show

Well, the 2019 Texas Airgun Show hosted by the Arlington Sportsman Club (ASC) for the 4thyear is now over and all the ASC volunteers are happy but tired!  Let me tell you that preparing our club and it’s ranges for hundreds of guests, airgun shooting demos & shooting matches, and providing food and drinks for all of them is quite a task.  A task made easier by all of the volunteers from the club who helped, but most especially Matt Jones, Teresa Womble (4H), Sheila & Gary Swinney, Rodney Hatfield, Gina Wilson, Tricia Reetz, Derek Jones, and the Range Officers.  If you would like to be involved in airguns at the club in any way, don’t hesitate to reach out to me via phone, email or face to face.  I am always willing to share the joys of airgunning with club members.

The show attendance by vendors and individuals this year was a little smaller than last year, but there seemed to be more gun sales going on with most of the vendors, and the demonstration ranges were still very crowded most of the day.  As in past years, I continue to hear compliments on our beautiful facility, the Straight Shooter 4H refreshments, and the unique feature that show attendees can buy or sell airguns and then take a short walk outside to the ranges for demos and other shooting activities. 


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Inside Schaefer Pavilion, vendors and individuals filled all of the tables selling airguns of all types, airgun accessories, night vision, airgun paraphernalia, and even some knives.  New airguns, old ones, rare ones, rifles, pistols, full-auto BB guns, etc.  Prices ranged from $20 to as high as $2000 for multi-pump, spring, CO2, and high-pressure air powered airguns.  Both 100-yard Range C & 50-yard Range D were filled with folks shooting airguns, while Range B was open for anyone who wanted to test out their new purchase.  Tom Gaylord, The Godfather of Airguns, a national and internationally known writer of all things airguns was in attendance yet again with a table full of interesting guns, The Godfather of Airguns t-shirts, and copies of his book that he was autographing for purchasers.  

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The manufacturer demonstrations were only on Range C this year, because neither Crosman nor Sig-Sauer were able to attend, and I must’ve been asked why more than 100 times during the day why they weren’t here.  They were sorely missed!  Once again, we had folks trying out air rifles from Hatsan USA, Umarex, FX and Brocock (courtesy of Airgun Depot), Airforce Airguns and RAW by shooting at silhouette and swinger targets all the way out to 100 yards.  Airforce Airguns used 6 lanes and by far had the largest presence, but we appreciate all of the manufacturers that were present.  My request to the manufacturers that weren’t present or only brought a few guns is to come visit and bring more next year! Next, on Range D we had guests from Houston demonstrating the high level of skill required to shoot silhouettes while standing!  I heard some guys say they were good shots, but were severely humbled by the difficulty (and fun) of this shooting style match.

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We continue to have terrific prize giveaways at the show.  I estimate that we gave away over $5000 in airguns and airgun accessories this year. There are 3 ways to win items at the Texas Airgun Show.  First, with your paid gate entry ticket good for the door prize, second by purchasing raffle tickets for raffle items from our lovely assistants Patricia and Sheila, and third by purchasing raffle tickets from our SS4H group to be entered in a drawing for Red Ryder BB guns at the end of the day.  Many thanks to our sponsors Hatsan ( ), Umarex ( ), Airgun Depot ( ), Gamo ( ), Ron Stone, Patrick Gray, Ton Jones, Hawke Sport Optics ( ), Pellet Gage ( ), Rhino Targets ( ), Ron Robinson, Texas Brush Hog Camo ( ), Pyramyd Air ( ), and AirForce Airguns ( ) and their raffle prize donations.  We are truly blessed by the generosity of our sponsors, and I hope that you walked away with one of our raffle prizes.  The final two prizes given away were a beautiful walnut-stocked Air Arms S500 Extra rifle and scope from Pyramyd Air, and a .257 caliber Texan air rifle and scope from AirForce Airguns.  The Airforce Airguns rifle was won by the mother of one of the 4H students.  The daughter made sure to whisper to me that “she’s gonna make sure and shoot it a lot.”  I hope you do!

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AirForce Airguns Winner

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Pyramyd Air - Air Arms Rifle Winner

As if there weren’t enough airgun activities at the club on Saturday, we also hosted a special Texas Airgun Show Field Target match on Sunday morning on the 3D Archery lanes where we shoot on 15 of the lanes among the Mesquite and Live Oak trees on the property.  There were 26 competitors in all who came from 7 nearby and far-away states (AR, OK, KS, LA, NC, TN and Texas). Almost 2/3 of the competitors attended the match because they came to the Texas Airgun Show the day before, but we also had about 10 regular shooters participate.  After the 60-shot match was over, we had Jason’s Deli sandwiches and drinks, and then I announced the winners.  See my FT match writeup elsewhere in this forum for results.

A happy end to another successful show.  You can all of the photos from the event here ( /a>) Thanks again to everyone from the ASC that volunteered and to the leadership of our club that allows this show to take place at our facility, and thanks to Tom Gaylord, The Godfather of Airguns, who is our inspirational leader for airguns. 

Jeff Cloud
Texas Airgun Show Director

Citizen_K reacted
Georgia U.S.
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Way to go Mike Vredenberg!

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Great match as always

Thanks to all the guys at A.S.C. who put these on


Airgun Warriors